Titleist Performance Institute

The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) is a leading organization educating professionals on the biomechanics of the golf swing and analyzing how golfers move. Dr. Gassman is a certified provider through TPI. He will be able to take golfers of all ages and skill levels through a full body analysis, looking at how their body moves […]

Why us

When you come into our clinic we want you to have an experience, not just a visit. We achieve this by incorporating chiropractic care, specialized soft tissue techniques, functional rehabilitation exercises, and functional movement screens. The techniques we employ are proven to alleviate pain, increase motion, and strengthen an injury. These techniques are commonly utilized […]

If you’ve recently been in an auto accident

If you’ve recently been in an auto accident, our doctors at Summit Chiropractic and Sports Institute are one of Spokane’s most trusted source for relief from neck, back, or extremity pain. Seeking chiropractic treatment after an auto accident is one of the most important things you can do for your health, and yet many people […]

Neck/Back pain

Neck Pain Neck pain is discomfort in any of the structures in the neck. These include the muscles, nerves, bones, and the discs between the bones. When your neck is sore, you may have difficulty moving it, especially turning to one side. Many people describe this as having a stiff neck. If neck pain involves […]


This phase is individualized to each patient; whether we are getting you back to your sport or life.   In this Phase our focus is to strengthen and stabilize your injury. Our goal is to get you back to your daily activities or sport. Our rehabilitation exercises are the foundation of our stabilization phase. We […]