If you’ve recently been in an auto accident

If you’ve recently been in an auto accident, our doctors at Summit Chiropractic and Sports Institute are one of Spokane’s most trusted source for relief from neck, back, or extremity pain. Seeking chiropractic treatment after an auto accident is one of the most important things you can do for your health, and yet many people neglect to take this crucial first step towards recovery.

The symptoms we most commonly see after car accidents include whiplash and neck pain, and lower back pain. Soreness or stiffness in the neck or back may be the first signs of injury after an auto accident. This initial pain may seem insignificant, but may be symptoms of an underlying issue. In many accidents, there may be no damage to the vehicle, and you are left with only stiffness and soreness, leading you to believe a trip to the doctor is not obligatory. When the spinal muscles or ligaments are strained in an accident, your body will need time to heal. Without treatment, your spine can be misaligned or unstable, so over time tissue and ligaments can heal over the spine resulting in more severe pain. Going through an auto accident can be very traumatic and our doctors understand this. They are here to help you overcome this incident.

Information on whiplash

What to look for

Some accident victims may experience symptoms immediately after the accident, but others can go for as long as months before their symptoms become noticeable. Here are some of the common symptoms of whiplash to be on the lookout for:

  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Upper or mid-back pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Arm pain
  • Knee pain
  • Hip pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Lack of concentration
  • Tingling and numbness in arms and hands
  • Tingling and numbness in legs
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Dizziness

Spokane Chiropractic Care for Car Accidents

Our providers are trained and certified Sports Chiropractors that are experienced with patients who arrive with many different muscle and joint injury that occur from high speed collisions, force and trauma. This training can be beneficial in working with not only athletes but those involved in the Motor Vehicle Accidents. Car Accidents cause the body to accelerate and/or decelerate at speeds that it is not accustomed to handle. This can leave someone with a variety of symptoms such as neck pain, whiplash, low back pain, headaches, shoulder and other extremity pains.

Due to impact to the spine and the surrounding nerves and tissues from an auto accident, chiropractic care is an excellent avenue for treatment. Doctor Lopez and Doctor Gassman take a natural and preventative approach and are skilled in assessing the source of the pain associated with your diagnosis and determining a plan for effective treatment. Chiropractic treatments are gentle and non-invasive and help you to find great relief.

In some cases after an accident, the patient may not feel any pain due to adrenaline or shock. If the patient does not follow up with a doctor or treatment, there may be damage to the body leading to future issues that can become chronic and may progress into arthritis, disc damage, neurological symptoms, chronic neck or back pain, shoulder pain, or chronic headaches. Our doctors make your health their priority and find it imperative to treat you as soon as possible. Our chiropractic doctors will take a thorough history of your health prior to your auto accident to discern if your present injuries were caused by the accident. At Summit Chiropractic our doctors use the combination of soft tissue work, therapeutic exercises, and chiropractic care. Call our team in Spokane to discover how chiropractic care can set you on the road to recovery.

Don’t delay. Call us today for an Auto Accident Evaluation at (509) 922-1909.




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