Why Is Physical Fitness Important to Your Golf Game?

Like many sports, golf involves a good amount of physical activity. From walking the course to hauling your bag and driving your club, that can take a lot out of a person. It’s clear why so many golfers are ready to hit the hay after a long day on the course. Now, any athlete can […]

Functional Cupping

Carefully and methodically placed silicone or plastic cups pull the surface of the skin away from the muscle allowing the soft tissue to heal quicker in its natural process. It helps to loosen soft tissue and connective tissue such as adhesions or scars. This technique promotes the elimination of inflammation by the lymphatic system. Functional […]

Why us

When you come into our clinic we want you to have an experience, not just a visit. We achieve this by incorporating chiropractic care, specialized soft tissue techniques, functional rehabilitation exercises, and functional movement screens. The techniques we employ are proven to alleviate pain, increase motion, and strengthen an injury. These techniques are commonly utilized […]

If you’ve recently been in an auto accident

If you’ve recently been in an auto accident, our doctors at Summit Chiropractic and Sports Institute are one of Spokane’s most trusted source for relief from neck, back, or extremity pain. Seeking chiropractic treatment after an auto accident is one of the most important things you can do for your health, and yet many people […]

Muscle Flossing

  Muscle floss uses an elastic band to compress and increase blood flow to an area of the body and hold the muscles, tendons, and other tissues close to each other. Our chiropractors will then have you move through a therapeutic motion in order to increase range of motion as well as loosen up tight […]