Active Release Technique

  At Summit Chiropractic we use Active Release Techniques, also referred to as A.R.T., which focus on the relief of fibrosis adhesions in the muscle, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves through soft tissue release. These adhesions in our tissues can be caused from overload due to repetitive use, which can lead to weakness in the […]


Q: What do Chiropractic doctors do? Chiropractors take a natural and preventative approach to all musculoskeletal conditions. They pay particular attention to the spine, extremities, and muscles. They perform a detailed history, physical exam, neurological exam, and treatment plan to resolve the condition diagnosed. If the final diagnosis is something we can not treat, we […]

5 Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

More people are undergoing massage therapy to improve their well-being and health. Massage therapy is a popular natural health practice that can make it easier to feel rejuvenated. Those who are considering undergoing massage therapy can take advantage of the different benefits that it offers. Relax the Body One of the most efficient ways of […]