Hydration: a careful balance

ACSM Fluid Replacement Recommendations Proper hydration is important for optimal physical performance and endurance. Because both dehydration and overhydration can be a serious problem for athletes, experts at the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) regularly update their position paper recommendations for fluid replacement for physical activity. According to the ACSM, because hydration needs can […]

Carbohydrates and “bonking”

Carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet and especially crucial for an athlete’s energy needs. It is vitally important to understand the difference between complex and simple carbohydrates and nutrient timing with carbs to maximize the use of this important energy source, but at the same time maximize fat burn. Complex Carbs: These […]


The building blocks for the animal and human body is protein. Protein is responsible for the building, repair and maintenance of our lean muscle tissue. It’s important to eat an appropriate amount every day to keep the muscles in an anabolic (muscle building) state. Therefore, protein recommendations for endurance and strength-trained athletes range from .5 […]


Fat is a necessary component of a normal diet, which provides energy and essential elements of cell membranes and associated nutrients such as vitamins A, D and E. One should keep their fat intake to 20-35% of their total energy expenditure. A 170 lb male athlete would consume about 20% of a 3,000 calorie diet […]

Nutrition for Athletic Performance

Pre-Exercise or Pre-Game Meal: To keep the athlete from “Bonking” and/or getting hungry during an intense workout, it’s important to have the athlete eat about 2-3 hours prior to the event. The meal should include a small amount of fat and fiber, moderate amounts of protein and a considerably larger number of carbohydrates. Eating 200-300 […]