The Benefits of Localized Cryotherapy for Athletes

By now, you’ve probably heard about the numerous benefits that whole body cryotherapy offers, but you may not know about those offered by its popular, highly specific counterpart, localized cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is becoming popular among athletes and in sports medicine because of its numerous benefits compared to “traditional” recovery methods like ice baths and massages. […]

How to Prevent and Treat Shin Splints

Shin splints, or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, is a pain that is experienced along the shin bone that can occur for many different reasons but most commonly by running. It comes on due to repeated stress along the attachment of where the muscles from the foot and ankle attach to the bone. The repeated microtraumas […]

Top 5 Ways a Sports Injury Chiropractor Can Treat and Prevent Sports Injuries

Sports are great in that they help kids stay outside, active, and learn about the importance of team building. However, as fun as they are, there’s always a chance of injury. In the U.S., approximately 30 million kids and teenagers do sports, and there are over 3.5 million sports injuries every year. According to Johns […]

Why Is Physical Fitness Important to Your Golf Game?

Like many sports, golf involves a good amount of physical activity. From walking the course to hauling your bag and driving your club, that can take a lot out of a person. It’s clear why so many golfers are ready to hit the hay after a long day on the course. Now, any athlete can […]

Why us

When you come into our clinic we want you to have an experience, not just a visit. We achieve this by incorporating chiropractic care, specialized soft tissue techniques, functional rehabilitation exercises, and functional movement screens. The techniques we employ are proven to alleviate pain, increase motion, and strengthen an injury. These techniques are commonly utilized […]