
Supplements Here at Summit Chiropractic, we offer various natural supplements that can help provide relief for patients suffering from inflamed joints, muscle spasms, vitamin deficiencies, weight loss and more.   Nutrition Are you eating superior raw whole food nutrition for 5-6 meals a day and getting all your amino acids, vitamins and minerals for the […]

Graston Technique

Graston is a manual instrument assisted soft-tissue mobilization technique which applies various tools that enable our chiropractors to efficiently locate and treat our patients. Graston is utilized as a successive therapy to break up fibrosis in the tissue and fascial restrictions, to reduce chronic inflammation, and to accelerate recovery time. As scar tissue can lead […]

Kinesio Tape

  Dr. Lopez is certified in the Kinesio Taping Method, a technique that’s used to reduce muscle pain and inflammation, as well as relax, activate, and support muscles. Taping is typically used in the acute stages when a patient is experiencing inflamed or tight muscles. According to Dr. Lopez, Kinesio Tape can also be an […]


Q: What do Chiropractic doctors do? Chiropractors take a natural and preventative approach to all musculoskeletal conditions. They pay particular attention to the spine, extremities, and muscles. They perform a detailed history, physical exam, neurological exam, and treatment plan to resolve the condition diagnosed. If the final diagnosis is something we can not treat, we […]

Should I Ice or Heat my Injury for Relief?

If there’s one thing that we’re familiar with, it’s knowing how to handle and manage injuries and pain. We know that sometimes, you just need quick and immediate relief – whether it’s from a fresh injury or a long-term issue. Traditional approaches to treating injuries include icing and heating, which are still both very useful. […]